It's Over!
Estimated Reading Time:
Spring, Summer and Fall has been an insanely busy time. Both Mental Damnation’s Reality and Dream books were released, followed by signings, conventions, talks and online guest blogging to promote the books. Now… it’s over! If you’ve been keeping up to date on the events page, or the Facebook page, Words in the Park was the last event for the promotion of Dream. There are only two more events for the year, one being a signing in Edmonton’s Strathcona Chapters and the other at Calgary Expo Holiday Market.
After that, it’s over.
Welcome to another edition of Unprocessed Thoughts
So if I am not going about trying to convince people that my writing is worth them reading, what am I doing? Well, I might actually do some writing. Woah! Promoting can chew up a lot of time that takes away from the actual profession itself. I tweeted an exciting announcement mid September about new work:
Finished the #draft of a new #novel! Currently 76k words. An exciting way to start the #weekend. #authorLife #celebrate #success #amWriting
— Konn Lavery (@konnl) September 16, 2017
Yes, there is a new novel in the works and the first draft is fully done. I’ve actually been through several revisions now. Beyond writing this new novel intensely, I am preparing for next year. This means planning for what conventions I will be at, what projects (writing, my graphic’s business and others) I want to take on and how far I can logistically travel.
Now that the launches and heavy promoting are on the decline for the rest of the year, I also want to take some time to rest… Nah, as the saying goes, no rest of the wicked!
What is this new novel?
Good things come to those who wait. It is still too early to share more info other than it is a lot like an 80s action movie meets Sin City. That’s quite the mashup. A fun hint though, if you followed me during NaNoWriMo in 2015, you’ll have a good idea which story this manuscript is.
For now, it’s over.
The crazy amount of posting I’ve been doing on social media about releases, interviews and events will start to unwind. Now, things will take a shift to be focused on behind the scenes goodies from the upcoming projects. Stay tuned and enjoy October.
Beer Note: Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest – Brauhaus Miltenberger Collaboration | Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
I found this beer at one of my common watering holes. Now that October is here, everything is pumpkin flavoured. Thankfully, this one was not. It is an amber lager, limited brew, malty and has a vibrant golden colour. The description sounded pretty intense – having layers of rich malt. Most micro-brewed beers have pretty convincing description. This one does have a good taste, easy to drink. I wouldn’t say multi-layered though. It is also rather expensive.
With that in mind, I’d give this a 3.7/5.

About Konn Lavery
Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.