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Konn Lavery

Author spotlight on the Booknatics blog

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I am pleased to have been a guest on the Booknatics blog discussing the release of Mental Damnation: Reality, second edition.

Author Spotlight on the Booknatics Blog

We cover the following topics:

  1. From our understanding, this book is a second edition of a retired version. Was the process of re-writing an entire series a quick and easy one for you–or were there some struggles?
  2. What was your inspiration to write in your chosen genre?
  3. Do you have any certain quirks while you write? For example, a certain space for writing, any music playing in the background, etc.?
  4. Do you put “Easter Eggs” in your books that only your close friends will know to find? Perhaps, maybe some true events that may have happened to you or someone you know.
  5. For fun: Can you describe this book using only two words?
  6. For your Mental Damnation series, did you have to do any research? If at all, maybe some research enlightened you on something new and even inspired an event or two in your book or any future writing?
  7. How many unfinished stories do you have stashed away? If any, do you think you will finish writing them?
  8. What books do you like to read when you’re not writing?
  9. The first ever story you’ve ever written: What was it about and has anyone else read it?
  10. Now that you are an experienced author: If you could give your younger-self just one tip on writing, what would it be?

Read the interview on the Booknatics blog

Konn Lavery Canadian Horror Author Vancouver

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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