“Then how did I come here to begin with? I was far from relaxed last night.” Krista to Malpherities
“What’s the old saying? Keep your enemies closer. I have to understand them. In some ways, I must think like them, no matter how much…
Muluve Scalebane (muh-love) – Krista’s mother, who was murdered by the Knight’s Union during the vazelead banishment.
“We’ll find out. Hurry!” Namsruc to Lola Cabello
(quill-etch) – Fleerew’s sister, and a high-ranking officer in the Renascence Guard. Darkwing and Draegust were sent on a mission by Fleerew to obtain Quilech’s…
Rithu is the son of King Blacktooth and Rithu Blacktooth. He is the last born Vazelead. His father wants him to have hatchlings with both…
Salanth Scalebane (sall-an-th) – Krista’s ill-fated little brother who was killed during the vazelead banishment.
(sah-ool-af) – An albino vazelead who found shelter in the Eyes of Eternal Life church. He worked as a missionary to recruit more members into…
Scalius Scalebane (scale-yes) – Krista’s father, a carpenter who taught Krista about self-defence and morals. He was killed by the Knight’s Union during the banishment…
Co-founder of the Blood Hounds. He left the gang, finding himself unable to commit fully. Still working as a for-hire killer for the Blood Hounds,…
Blood Hound member who followed Draegust closely. He is presumed dead after their attempt to attack Guardian Demontochai.
“The concept of birth can be misleading, Draegust. It confines our minds to age and the past, limiting us from what we are capable of…
An incredibly dark place beneath the surface, lit only by the molten lava that surrounds the landscape. Most of the land remains uncharted and uninhabitable…
After the Drac Age, humans became the dominant race throughout the globe. They grew paranoid of other races gaining power and were willing to punish…
(wall-um) – An elderly vazelead living in Krista’s home village prior to their banishment to the underworld. She was responsible for watching over the younglings…
One of the Five Guardians of the vazelead people. Battled Ast’Bala just after he corrupted Danil. His current status remains unknown.