A cyborg entity created by The Society to protect and guard their civilization. They’re made from unmodified humans where Genetic Injection Dose Solution (also known…
“The injections are distorting your minds,” Dr. Mollberg to Ether Coil
A disposable type of paper that replaces pulp paper.
A powerful electric spear that Harvesters use to stun and even kill an enemy.
A hovering transport device that can be used to safely secure anything in a seamless cube. It is used to transport Genetic Injection Dose Solution…
Manageficient Enterprises is a company invested in technological progression. They have laboratories and engineering firms worldwide. The organization eventually merged with Allen Oil Site Solutions…
A type of weapon that Harvesters use.
Scrappers use advanced computer-based goggles to communicate with one another, see maps of The Lost, and have night vision. Often these goggles are on a…