The unified efforts of the banished vazeleads to bring their people together. The city was built against a mountainside and sectioned into three areas: the…
(do-all long-tooth) – The first Lieutenant of the Renascence Guard.
The leaders of the vazelead people who united their race under a single civilization. They were able to achieve this because their bodies reacted in…
(for-lash) – A Renascence Guard who patrols the Lower District in search of gangs and scum. He captured Krista and Darkwing in one of his…
(fi-them) – The citadel prison’s head torturer. He decides where prisoners go and when they should be interrogated for information.
(quill-etch) – Fleerew’s sister, and a high-ranking officer in the Renascence Guard. Darkwing and Draegust were sent on a mission by Fleerew to obtain Quilech’s…
The military of the vazelead people, created by the Five Guardians to lead their people back to a righteous path. They are committed to ridding…