One of the paladins on Mount Kuzuchi, and a close friend of Zalphium. He perished during the ice storm caused by Drac Lord Karazickle.
“They have no minds of their own once they been enslaved. You know that, right? That’s the purpose of the nymphs’ words of power. They’re…
“Justice. Their king. Their people. Something with more depth than a simple gathering where they behave like fools.” Paladin to Smyth
Holy men who devoted their existence to the church of God and mystical rites. They allied with the Knight’s Union to end the Drac Age…
(sa-ool) – Founder and leader of the Paladins of Zeal. Responsible for the order to banish the vazelead people to the underworld. He is accused…
The Paladins of Zeal’s primary headquarters, reserved for serving God and training. Its current state remains unknown since the paladins were destroyed by the Drac…