Aewouson was a large island located near the Kingdom of Zingalg in the South Atlantic. It contained desert, rocky wilderness, and a jungle. Life’s River…
Ash is a drug founded by the Crystal Moths and the Vazeleads, who introduced it into the market as phase one of their end goals…
Balancers were Nymphs and members of the Grove who ensured balance in Mother Nature’s garden (Earth.) Two notable types were enforces and the Balancers Order.
“Not Mooother Naaature aaand the Wooorld Mooother. They wanted the same cosmmmic dussst. The two were oppooosites, one made of waaater and the other fiiire.”…
“Take thirteen seeds, and you will feel her revelation.” Club Revelation, Synarion thought. The pieces were lining up. This fine establishment he found himself in…
The Crystal Moths are an ancient group run by Mastema, the angel. Based on Mulier Cupido’s claim, he wasn’t the first ruler. Their origins and…
The diefym leaf is from Zingalg and is used by Balancers of the Grove to heal wounds. Chewing the leaf into a paste and smearing…
Elemandriases were human-like beings that had programmable functions. They were created by the Balancers Order to protect the Grove’s Archive and Erenwill, the Greatstaff of…
The staff was gifted by Mother Nature to the Balancers of the Grove. It was protected by the four elemandriases. Each Elemandrias kept a piece…
The Grove was made up of nymphs who kept order for Mother Nature. Their home resided in the forests of Zingalg. They archived all of…
Imps are a type of demon that serve a master. A notable one is Jekos who is also half human. Another one works at Club…
“There’s a club along East Hastings in Blood Alley. It will prove to be of value to you. Club Revelation.” Jekos to Lereif Scalebane
“I did not expect you to use your Soulstone. What message is so important for you to seek me?” King to Lereif Scalebane
They are Corrupt Vazeleads used to produce Ash. The Nine are considered weak or scum, despite not all being corrupt.
“What’s the old saying? Keep your enemies closer. I have to understand them. In some ways, I must think like them, no matter how much…
Life’s River is found in Aewouson, where Human villages cover the beaches near the jungles. It was the one source of water on the island….
Maghice, also known as magic, is the fifth element and key to expediting life’s evolution. The core of the element was called the Heart of…
“Christian holy men, Egyptian holy men before them, Buddhist, what does it matter? Ankh to the holy cross. Isn’t it all the same under Mother…
“I will be glad to be rid of this name, Mark, too. Shame to my family for never using my birth name. Shame indeed.” Mark…
“If you’re going to pretend about being important, I can pretend to be drunk.” Mulier to Synarion Lurel