A knight un the Knight’s Union who is brothers with Vixor Pureheart. They both served under Captain Franthar’s squadron with Fierel Flamseworth during the Vazelead…
(cu-zu-chi) – The tallest mountain in the world. Its height extends beyond the clouds—high enough that if you reached the peak, you could hear the…
A small town beside Mount Kuzuchi, which takes pride in keeping trolls out of their area.
Nymphs are supernatural beings who know Words of Power that can manipulate simple minds. The nymphs and humans united to end the Drac Age, utilizing…
A humanoid bird creature that resides near Mount Kuzuchi, in Kuzuchi Forest. They are able to mimic languages and sounds to lure their prey.
Holy men who devoted their existence to the church of God and mystical rites. They allied with the Knight’s Union to end the Drac Age…
They were large walking trees that could sense vibrations through the earth and were connected with Mother Nature. They lived for thousands of years and…
An ancient race found in the Kingdom of Zingalg. They live within the forests and mountains. Shimen are tall, slim, and agile creatures with hooves…
Of equal rank in the High Barracks as Captain John, answering directly to Paladin. He is the closest living relative to Marilyn and works in…
The Paladins of Zeal’s primary headquarters, reserved for serving God and training. Its current state remains unknown since the paladins were destroyed by the Drac…
A tribal race with the ability to manipulate the weather.
Described as a leathered grey-skinned being with tusks. Synarion Lurel found one in Club Revelation. How the being managed to hide among humans was a…
A knight in the Knight’s Union who was a part of Captain Franthar’s squadron alongside Fierel Flamseworth. She, along with Vixor Pureheart, Lorthuum Pureheart, and…
Vampires come in two forms: the Vamputus and Bloodsuckers. Bloodsuckers are the standard type of vampires that feed off of blood and cannot go in…
(vayse-leads) – Meaning ‘drac men’ in Draconic, they are a reptilian race originating in the South Atlantic and the Kingdom of Zingalg. Their natural lifespans…
After the Drac Age, humans became the dominant race throughout the globe. They grew paranoid of other races gaining power and were willing to punish…
A loyal knight in the Knight’s Union who was a part of Captain Franthar’s squadron alongside Fierel Flamseworth. His brother Lorthuum also joined on the…
(wall-um) – An elderly vazelead living in Krista’s home village prior to their banishment to the underworld. She was responsible for watching over the younglings…