“I couldn’t overcome it before I escaped to our realm through the rift. The Weaver’s will is greater than mine; his power is beyond our…
“Ast’Bala, if we do not teach the next generation a better way of living, then they will never rise above it. Violence is not going…
The unified efforts of the banished vazeleads to bring their people together. The city was built against a mountainside and sectioned into three areas: the…
“It would be foolish if I’d obeyed the Weaver immediately to come get you. Think about it, girl. If a stranger gave you a gift…
“We will protect you, as it is my duty to our people. Stay near the cavern entrance in case we confront Danil.” Demontochai to Darkwing
The leaders of the vazelead people who united their race under a single civilization. They were able to achieve this because their bodies reacted in…