Ash is a drug founded by the Crystal Moths and the Vazeleads, who introduced it into the market as phase one of their end goals…
“That’s right. I can’t let you two have all the action.” Detective Bridgette to Ricardo Iglesias and Glenn Beckman
“That’s the funny thing, the lab results show traces of the, the, uhm, they called it the squamata order, I think. It’s the largest reptilian…
They are Corrupt Vazeleads used to produce Ash. The Nine are considered weak or scum, despite not all being corrupt.
Major Crimes RCMP focuses on Federal level investigations. Sergeant Sakata Bando is in charge of the drug unit and helps Detectives Ricardo Iglesias and Glenn…
“We’ll find out. Hurry!” Namsruc to Lola Cabello
“Because they fear it like you do.” Ramon Blackwell to Lola Cabello about Ash.
“I haven’t had a late-night call from a girl in years. Why now?” Iglesias to Lola Cabello
“Man, my heart is too big. I wish my brain were bigger. As mad as I was, I chose to help Travis.”
(vayse-leads) – Meaning ‘drac men’ in Draconic, they are a reptilian race originating in the South Atlantic and the Kingdom of Zingalg. Their natural lifespans…