Cattle of the vazelead farmers, they are used to produce dairy products.
(al-drif cheez) – A dairy product made by vazelead farmers from their aldrif cattle.
Commonly found in the underworld, this fungus is cultivated and eaten by the vazelead people.
Located near the southern outskirts of the City of Renascence
The unified efforts of the banished vazeleads to bring their people together. The city was built against a mountainside and sectioned into three areas: the…
Creatures that live throughout the deserts of the underworld and feast on any flesh they can find. When captured young, they can be tamed and…
(do-all long-tooth) – The first Lieutenant of the Renascence Guard.
(drah-coins) – The currency used by the vazelead people in the City of Renascence.
Large, bulky creatures used by the vazelead people as cavalry and as a source of meat. Their faces are often covered with a muzzle to…
Large worms that live in the desert of the underworld. They are hunted by the vazelead people for their meat.
The leaders of the vazelead people who united their race under a single civilization. They were able to achieve this because their bodies reacted in…
The only water source in the underworld comes from this large mountain—or presumed pillar—with a pathway leading to the surface world, as directed by Abesun….
The military of the vazelead people, created by the Five Guardians to lead their people back to a righteous path. They are committed to ridding…
An incredibly dark place beneath the surface, lit only by the molten lava that surrounds the landscape. Most of the land remains uncharted and uninhabitable…