Booker is an appraiser of fine art who works with his ex-wife Bridget Mack. He is hopelessly in love with her. His friends, Danyal Repetto…
Bridget runs an appraiser firm, working with her ex-husband, Booker Mack. She enjoys keeping him close and the power that it gives her. She also…
An underground BDSM club with a high entrance fee. Some known members are Booker Mack, Bridget Mack, Olivia Foster, Danyal Repetto, and Wei Repetto.
Danyal is married to Wei Repetto and is a friend of Booker Mack. He and Wei help Booker “get over” his ex-wife Bridget Mack. They…
Olivia runs a consulting business and has acquired other companies in the past. During one acquisition, she gathered some fine art pieces. This led her…
Wei is married to Danyal Repetto. Both are friends of Booker Mack and attempt to help him move on from his ex-wife Bridget Mack. The…