Time Management

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Guard Your Time

Guard Your Time

It's effortless for our time to derail. Often we get swept up by the waves of life's affairs, forgetting what is important to us. Guard your time. That time is vital for you to grow and to enjoy. Whether you're a writer, athlete, musician, practicing a new language,...

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How to Finish NaNoWriMo in Two Weeks

How to Finish NaNoWriMo in Two Weeks

November is upon us! Another year of NaNoWriMo. For those that do not know, NaNoWriMo is the National November Writing Month. You can find out more on their website. 2018 was the first year I’ve participated since 2015. You can learn a lot in three years away from...

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Distractions and Time Management for Writing

Distractions and Time Management for Writing

Everyone is busy, let’s face it. We all have things to do, places to go and people to see. We have difficulties dealing with distractions and time management for writing. Especially in the western civilization, we are overstimulated with tasks on a day to day basis at...

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