Check out the interview and discussion I had on author/actor Neil Chase’s radio show All Outta Bubblegum on Sound Sugar Radio. We chat about writing…
Earlier this month I was on The Writer’s Block show at Sound Sugar Radio with Mike Deregowski . We chat about writing, dark fantasy, and…
Listen to the interview I had on CBC News with Mark Connolly about my writing career and the works of fiction I create! A frighteningly…
Welcome to Time to Go Indie Now, Episode 40. We have some great reviews, new releases, a great marketing tip, a flashback interview to celebrate…
Listen to the Arm Cast Podcast where I share some tips and insight into the production and business choices I’ve made with my writing. Specifically…
Eat Sleep Write was the first digital interview I was a part of. Author Julie Cooper Brown interviewed me discussing the release of Reality, the…
Edmonton’s Void Magazine has Konn Lavery as a guest in their first issue to discuss Reality, the first novel of the Mental Damnation series: Or…