McKensie Stewart – Author, Educator, Entrepreneur, and Radio Show Host

May 15, 2019 | Interview

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This month’s guest author is McKensie Stewart who is a writer, educator, entrepreneur, and radio show host. She has also written a guest article on the blog titled You Published A Book… Now What? Where she shares her expertise of post-book release in the writing industry.

McKensie is native to Columbia, South Carolina where she attended Columbia College. Currently she is living in Charlotte, North Carolina where she is working on her next novel and educating. Let’s learn more about that and welcome McKensie Stewart to the blog!

Thank you for joining us McKensie Stewart, can you give us a brief introduction to yourself?

Thank you for the warm welcome to the interview.  I am an aspiring author who seek to produce work that people want to read.

Can you tell us about your debut novel, Shattered: An Emily Graham Novel?

Emily finds herself metaphorically waking up to face a life she no longer recognizes.  She loves her husband, Brendon Graham, the Senator for the State of Pennsylvania along with their twins Madison and Connor but that isn’t enough any longer.  The ripple effect of her college professor, Dave Banks taking a piece of her innocence destroys her marriage every day.  Even though Emily only shared part of her secret with Brendon; he is on a destructive spiral choosing escorts, booze and heroine to cope with the pain he feels from their loss.  Kyndall, the matriarch of the family, and Emily’s mother-in-law will do everything in her power to ensure her dream of Brendon becoming the President of the United States will come to fruition no matter who she has to kill to make it happen.  Emily’s true love Julia, her college roommate has a huge secret of her own that will shatter any reconciliation between the two of them

On your website, you mention that you are working on a new book. Can you share more about your work in progress?

The title I am still working on; however, it is the second book in the Emily Graham series which is currently being edited.  Emily is struggling to put her family back together at all cost even if she has to face the person who ruined her changes of being with her true love.  Kyndall’s dream of the White House slowly vanishes before her eyes because of Brendon’s reckless behavior; however, Kyndall will have none of that she will get to the White House even if she has order the killing of Brendon, her son.

You’re also an educator, entrepreneur, and radio show host. This must keep you busy! Can you share with us a bit more about these areas of your life?

When I am not writing I am focused on my brand, McKensie Stewart.  I started the radio show, Writer’s Edge with McKensie Stewart as a way to support other writers who are struggling to understand how to publish their work.  The show is definitely a learning opportunity for me because I learn so much from the authors on the show.

What got you into hosting a radio show? Did this come before or after the writing?

The radio show came after I wrote the book as a way to support other writers.

How do you balance your schedule and find time to fit writing into your routine?

I struggle in this area because I have a demanding full-time job.  I would like to publish one book per year, but I want quality not necessarily quantity.  I know once readers discover me, they will enjoy my work because of the amount of time and detail I give to all the characters plus creating a story that is enjoyable.

For aspiring authors, what type of advice would you give a first-time author?

Pay for editing.  Everyone needs a second pair of eyes to review their work it may cost a little more, but it is worth it.

Let’s thank McKenzie Stewart for joining us again to the blog!

You can find her work on her website, amazon, and the various links below:

  • Website: mckensiestewart.com
  • Amazon: amazon.com/McKensie-Stewart/e/B0756VP53N
  • Twitter: twitter.com/McKensie7415
  • Goodreads: goodreads.com/author/show/16159641.McKensie_Stewart
  • Facebook: facebook.com/McKensie7415/
Author Konn Lavery

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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