Scarlett Holloway – Savagely Sweet Romance Author of Policy of Truth

Mar 13, 2019 | Interview

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This month’s guest author is Scarlett Holloway who has now released her debut novel, Policy of Truth. She has grown up on the Central Coast and has always had a dream of seeing her name on the cover of a book. She brings her past into the words in her writing, Let’s learn more about that and welcome Scarlett Holloway to the blog!

Thank you for joining us Scarlett Holloway, can you give us a brief introduction to yourself?

–waves- I’m Scarlett, but we knew that already lol. These questions are always soooo hard, I never really talk about myself, and I’m more interested in everyone else. Hmm, I am currently living in the south, I am married and have 3 children─4 if you count the husband. I am a lover of all things cupcakes, glitter, coffee, unicorns and bunnies.

Your first novel release, Policy of Truth has just come out. Can you share with us a bit about the new book? 

Oh my. Of course. Let’s see here … The book takes place in a fictional city that I created in the Mojave, based on Edwards, Calif. It is about an all-female motorcycle club that is one of the first to wear the 1% diamond. Policy delves into their lives and how it is to go up against a male dominated world and be successful. The main character is Tamra ‘Durty’ Simons and her struggle in the club with maintaining some form of a relationship with a guy who is a plant (or spy) from their support group.  It’s about the lies told and having to find a way to overcome it and keep the love that she has tried to avoid, and found she honestly needs it.

Have you written any previous, unpublished work? If so what type of stories have you written?

Yes, I have. It’s Dark PNR that I am actually releasing March 25th. I have a cozy mystery that crosses with the motorcycle series, and I have another series that I will be releasing this year that is PNR based on an island that is inhabited solely by supernaturals.

You also have a saga in the works, can you share more about what readers can look forward to?

I do. It is a soap opera styled series that is a mixture of some night time soaps that we all have loved.

For aspiring authors, what type of advice would you give a first-time author?

Never give up. No matter what anyone ever tells you, never stop writing. Always research any publisher or agent before you submit and make sure they are a right fit for you.

Let’s thank Scarlett Holloway for joining us again to the blog!

You can find her work on her website, amazon, and the various links below:

  • Website: scarlettholloway.com
  • Amazon:amazon.com/Scarlett-Holloway/e/B07MMG78Z9
  • Twitter: twitter.com/ScarlettsSong
  • Instagram: instagram.com/ascarlettssong
  • Facebook: facebook.com/thescarlettholloway
Author Konn Lavery

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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