GoIndieNow Live Panel Discussion The Creative Art of Promoting with an Edge

Nov 10, 2017 | Press

Home » Blog » Prince George » GoIndieNow Live Panel Discussion The Creative Art of Promoting with an Edge

This great GoIndieNow panel discussion took place LIVE on Friday Nov 10th, 2017.
We were joined on the panel by:
MIRANDA OH http://ohmirandaoh.com
A.G. KIRKHAM http://romancebyagkirkham.com/
JENNIFER LANDELS http://pulpliterature.com/
KONN LAVERY https://konnlavery.com/
MARNIE CATE http://marniecate.com
Many thanks to Mickey Mikkelson and Creative Edge Publicity for making this panel happen http://creativeedgepublicity.com/

Author Konn Lavery

About Konn Lavery

Konn Lavery is a Canadian author whose work has been recognized by Edmonton’s top five bestseller charts and by reviewers such as Readers’ Favorite, and Literary Titan.

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